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Our Story

【SoFun Online School-美好生活】
SoFun Online School開始於希望,希望在疫情時間,還是能夠提供多種不同線上的課程,以華語發音,給身在美國的孩子有個交流的機會,也因為這樣多樣化的課程,從閱讀學華文,從童趣手作到較為成熟款的療癒手作,甚至藝術課程裡開始有初級班跟進階班,甚至小小廚藝家課程,小孩子學會了親子料理,好多孩子在SoFun的線上課程裡面,找到了自己的興趣。​
SoFun Online School因為你們每個人的支持,能走到這一小步,謝謝你們每一位,謝謝每一位小朋友,能夠跟大家一起,能夠一起美好生活,真的是很幸運的一件事。
SoFun Online School started out with hope, hoping for all to still be able to take a variety of classes during this difficult pandemic period.  
Our courses are offered in Mandarin Chinese, providing our kids to learn and connect.  From learning Mandarin Chinese through reading stories, arts and crafts, to little chef cooking classes, our kids will find their interests and build confidence.
We also have especially unique classes offered is for all of you moms.  Through our yoga and weight training classes, many of our moms start building a healthy habit of working out during this special period.  
Our hope is to have all of us, both kids and ourselves, experience many of life's different wonders through our courses taught in Mandarin Chinese.
Because of your support, SoFun Online School started with our first tiny step in the right direction.  Thank you all, moms and kids.  It truly is a pleasure to get to know each one of you and experience the wonderful life of online learning together!
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